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tv   [untitled]    November 22, 2012 3:00pm-3:30pm EST

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teacher smalling a cease fire ending eight days of violence between israel and hamas remains intact for over one hundred sixty palestinians and six israelis were killed during the bloody exchange. the critics say the truce is just the calm before the next storm but underlying disputes between the warring parties that still remain bringing up to date with the latest this morning. plus the european union passes a resolution calling for greater military unity a move that some say could eventually see the blocks are under the banner of brussels comment on that hopefully and the stage is set for a trillion euro showdown in the same city as well the next budget splits the block in two with poorer nations to money continued a rich reluctant to their contribution.
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good morning just a tad after midnight here in moscow this is kevin owen here with me this hour on r.t. and the cease fire between israel and palestinian group hamas reached late on wednesday is now held up for over twenty four hours but the truce did have a shaky start with several rockets fired from gaza are immediately after the deal was sealed and the main question now is whether israel's going to ease its blockade of the palestinian lands. reports in tel aviv. some of the fiercest fighting we've witnessed the years between israelis and palestinians if indeed the truce holds it will mean that roughly one point seven million gazans will have a spine now from what we've seen eight days of heavy bombardment at the same time it brings with spikes to roughly
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a million israelis who live in the south of israel and who've been on the receiving end of constant barrage of rockets but i say if it holds because it is perceived as being rather fragile it certainly is a truce that came by surprise it followed a day of deadly violence in which some twenty eight israelis were injured in the first bus bombing in tel aviv since two thousand and six and there were massive israeli air strikes over gaza so the sense on the ground particularly in the hours leading up to the announcement of the cease fire was that israel was going to go ahead with a ground offensive need to know who has said that he is willing to give this truce a chance he says however he does hold open the possibility to reopen the conflict at a later stage he said and i'm quoting i know that there are citizens in israel that expected and more severe military action to be taken and perhaps we will need to do so there is criticism towards netanyahu particularly among people in the south of the country who would have supported a ground offensive and wanted to see
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a much harsher israeli reaction we've had protests in several cities in the south we still don't have too much information exactly what the terms of the cease fire do in fact say but i can tell you that israel for its side has committed to ending hostilities in gaza and at the same time stopping with its targeted killings and mass for its side has also said that it will stop firing rockets into southern israel and staging cross border attacks now there is a lot of questions still hanging over the whole issue of whether or not is what was left its blockade on gaza that has been in place for several years now we do understand that is what must begin talks re opening this for the border crossings and lifting the blockade and. easing restrictions on the movement of both people and goods while this is my at the moment is holding this is a lot of tension on the ground and a lot of questions as to whether or not it will stand the test of time israel's deputy foreign minister says most of the people hit by the gaza strikes quote deserved it because he claims there are terrorists but palestinian health officials
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and human rights activists say more than two thirds of those killed were civilians with almost half of them children israel though says that ratio is lower actually perry is a former senior adviser for israel's foreign ministry he told me these numbers demonstrate the country's military superiority. israel has invested billions of dollars protecting its people either through fire into a more protected room so every single rockets which emanated form cars or had the intent to kill in fact it intended to kill many people mass casualties and if we have invested that money in the protection of our people there would have been far greater numbers on the israeli side so i don't think we need to apologize for the fact that we have invested money to protect our citizens where is the opposition the hamas have actually spent millions if not billions of dollars trying to create a system of terror which bears no regard for the treatment of its own civilians well for more on the effect the ceasefire between israel and hamas let's talk to
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should return see author and journalist joining us live on the line from london ashley good evening good morning from me under the cease fire agreement israel has pledged to modify the blockade conditions for gardens evidence looking at what's going to happen there carefully what changes do you think will happen if any it is momentous moment obviously won't help the bereaved relatives of all those children who were killed by the us back into ji called israel but i think israel now has to realise that there are there is a one state solution or israel as a nation is finished it was an amazing weekend top of the list of course is the developing world nations now looking just like with palestine let alone what the effects of the arab spring so called have been nato the united states their power in this region has had a mighty blow. from us didn't it vowed to open the gates of hell as it put it for israel just a week ago when that offensive began but looking back it did seem to have failed to
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deliver a let's say proportionate response to the i.d.f. attacks and agree to a deal at end of the day which doesn't really fully comply with its interests why did it buckle. goes and was no match for the israeli military bad. by britain and the united states who supply them with nuclear weapons of mass destruction and so forth you know it's important for us because as a democratically elected government of gaza it's proved to have so many allies from iran to egypt just so many other countries they have to be part of any peace negotiations for one party state which will after up and scored its victory with the most basic of nation we call rockets really these homemade things that scored of course deaths in in israel to know this is about something completely different this is a sea change in economic power and china and russia at the un security council will
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of course been watching closely you told what you think will happen in the medium to long term maybe now let's look at the very short term it was reported that hamas broke the cease fire deal almost immediately after it came into effect yes they fire a number of rockets how much time do you think realistically will pass before the group launches another attack on israel and will israel bite. well i mean this didn't start with an attack by the must in fact some sources i think someone r.t. said that that hamas military leader had a peace agreement with israel when he was assassinated by the israelis so certainly the. violations of the cease fire so far and want to do with i guess the lack of discipline in what is a besieged area one of the one of the big besieged areas in the world to know now what will happen is the thing to watch is the right in israel and how they react under the polling numbers for leak what's coming israeli elections show a swing to the so-called extremists they're all extreme in that country so if they
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act on that and launch another attack on palestine in palestinian areas even as they daily attack arabs every single day in these areas. president obama will have to do some real thinking. it's a bit of a mystery as to what president obama is thinking some people are always prone to liking a president obama giving him more credit than he's due thinking that hillary clinton was sent there because obama wanted to have words with the netanyahu government and somehow even the petraeus resignation has to do with this too murky at the moment you decide on that but the reins of power are now in the hands of the arabs against the irish in a very last quick thought from you i asked you why have mass buckled for want of a better word why did israel agree to this truce at the end of the day if it hasn't achieved the goals of operation pillar of cloud wiping out a massive capability what it agreed to the truce was in the united states told
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israel they better back off whatever's going to happen it's up to was in israel's court and of course the united states and european powers let alone turkey and other countries to say enough is enough and of course we need an arms embargo urgently so that israel is not allowed to kill so many men women and children instead men women women and children again i should return from london tonight thank you very much. the aggression the stop for now but deep divisions between israel and hamas remain sparking fears the truce is doomed from the start going to count as more than on the tension that led to this latest round of violence. this ceasefire deal doesn't even begin to address the root causes of the conflict and as long as they remain the decades long cycle of violence is almost assured to continue by now most people lost track of all the previous cease fire agreements and more generally of where it all started and it became for the most part
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a chicken and egg conversation you have the years long suppression of the palestinians we saw radical forces among them rising and striking it as well with is well coming back at them so hard that even most peaceful palestinian started sympathizing with radical forces without going too far back in history in two thousand and six the palestinians in gaza elected hamas that promised a more affirmative response to these for the occupation in response israel put gaza under blockade the list of import was straight trans among many many other things including things like cement wood cattle animal medicine musical latest romans notebooks at one point even lentils pasta tomato paste and chocolate were on the list of items not allowed into gaza it's not easy to gauge what the blockade meant for the people there and all the humiliation that went with it as well insisted that the purpose of the blockade was to pressure hamas into ending the rocket attacks the attacks did not stop they intensified in two thousand and eight is where launched
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a major assault on gaza the operation cast lead killed more than a thousand palestinians and thirteen israelis did not solve the problem again it got worse and american officials keep repeating the mantra israel has the right to defend itself it sure does but the tragedy is that the palestinians to think they are defending themselves. spoke to a spokeswoman for the israeli foreign ministry alone a study says that even with such a high civilian death toll in gaza the operation could be called surgical. israel did their most possible not to hurt the civilians what we did is we pinpointed our operation first to the terrorist leaders and to their army and the ammunition but i do agree that there are a once in a while there were civilian cattle casualties and we feel very bad about it but as you know this is not an easy operation no military operation is but by any international standard the collateral damage here is pretty minimal the amount of
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civilians who died it's hard to say it this way it sounds very bad but it could have been much much worse if we weren't so surgical and if our pilots were not given instructions to be very very precise and to aim is specially at the military terrorist leaders come into from the spokesman for the united nations relief and works agency for palestine refugees chris gunness he told me gazans will never have decent living conditions unless the blockade lifted but we have to see what is going to happen as far as the regime is concerned we have always called for the blockade to be lifted you said that it's a collective punishment of one point six one point seven million people it has to end even before the current upsurge in financing that there was a crisis in almost every aspect of life you know there was a crisis of education we are in the process of building one hundred new schools
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because there was acute overcrowding in schools in gaza there is a crisis of public health because for example ninety percent of all also in gaza is untrue to call millions of liters of fuel sewage slowing into the sea or every day because the suit system is not functional and store functional and the list goes on. chris gunness will bring you more news analysis of course on the ceasefire in the middle east over the coming days as and when they developments happen you can get to speed fully as well on our website r.t. dot com. coming up in bahrain how keeping you would might land you in jail and the government putting dozens of medics behind bars for sticking to the hippocratic
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oath and treating protests. that suffer a damning report by amnesty international was revealed we could write situation kingdoms go. to russian activists run pick up their attempts not assume a donor this time claiming to be material girl or spend to behave like a good kid and the stories of this great. british live demo minister lynne featherstone said that since women have babies it allows men to pass them up on the letter to power and such a children are set back for women who want to be successful and equal to men so they want to give men the option of taking maternity leave or would that be paternity leave i don't know i kind of see the logic of her view but my question is
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featherstone is why exactly is success in the corporate world the primary goal of life for men and women as a feminist i would think you understand that wanting to fight your way up the ladder to buy a big car to replace your shortcomings is a very male way of judging success are women who choose to have families failures or at least unsuccessful in your book even as a married know that my pocket is really empty after having the first of hopefully many kids but i don't see our child as a financial setback keeping me from buying an x. box guess what success is relative to the goal and maybe a corporate boardroom vision of success isn't for everyone women who have kids. art failures in my opinion but then again that's just my opinion.
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also. you can. only do it through. the social change. in the afghan. afghan.
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people feel. about how much they care about the women of afghanistan it's true they don't care about the women of afghanistan. this is. the european parliament resolution calling for european national militaries to pool their resources to greater unity while the justifications was
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a shrinking defense budget many use states cutting their forces but critics say the resolution could mean much more than just cooperation. from london. and the peace say this resolution will make strongest safe place what's wrong with. i don't think it is i don't think it will it all i think you're undermining nato which is really guarantees of peace without actually adding any new resources it really does trespass international responsibilities for the fence and it's talking about the e.u. looking after it its citizens you know so it's a direct assault on sovereignty as i said you know when times are tough you know isn't it isn't it best to pool resources. know well there is a case where you do cooperate with other nations i'm fully in favor of that kind of corporate cooperation but what you're getting here is
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a very different model i mean you're talking of one even military headquarters that they referred to that they want to create a one european defense industry as well i don't think this is acceptable it's not where we want to go guess there's a school of argument saying though that you know united european military would prove a much more serious to terror and to outside threats no. no i don't think so i mean when you think of nato which involves many of the countries a new european union you have the power of the united states behind that and of canada and that's a much more effective vehicle i think it threatens and duplicates nato and it's not desirable but this really is about politics rather than the military this is about actually furthering the cause of one united states of europe because they want a single army a single defense industry they want to control from the e.u. as part of their foreign policy and that is going far too far it's not acceptable
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and it really needs to be stopped and i wonder what the public think of this resolution received overwhelming support from members of the european parliament surely then a proposal was such back it would be popular with the general public to now. well i wouldn't so did receive great support i mean in european parliament terms you know to have nearly a hundred m.e.p. votes against not just abstain against is is a large no it didn't carry the parliament as a huge four hundred forty two votes in favor ninety two against seventy five abstention you know if you got the wrong figures but look it's but that's the well it's the way it works the european parliament i wouldn't say it's that strong though normally you get some votes you know in the six hundreds but i think the underlying point is you know this is a very dangerous move it's a very serious move it takes us into national sovereign areas and they're talking of a single political authority and they're actually involved in they want to get in four of the high intensity conflicts in their terminology and that means war in my
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terminology they want to actually you to be involved in wars and to commit our soldiers and our airmen and our navy people into these kind of conflicts and that is not acceptable this common security defense policy is not a new thing though it's been around for a long time what makes you think this resolution will give it any more power in the day. well this is actually taking some of the powers a new powers in the lisbon treaty it's calling for a more ambitious approach they want the e.u. to do a lot more there are a number of peace keeping operations which do you know the people do a good job but i would i always question whether nato could actually do that kind of job and do it better but this takes it forward towards a single e.u. army which is all part of this greater political mission in this great project to create an in ited states of europe which i'm fundamentally opposed to david
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campbell balun and thanks make you thought so clearly people the conservative party push it. coming up a dry spell for goa we take a look at india's two is hot spots where all of the makers get the best conditions but the locals have to pay for it with the most basic of conditions and come. next though in bahrain twenty three doctors have been sentenced to three months in prison for treating protesters and taking part in mass demonstrations over the day they were doing the job they were arrested during the uprising last year along with more than seventy of the health care workers print experts opinion let's cross now to general for his former m.p. bahrain's largest opposition party fact so thanks for being with us in bahrain doing your job and treating people can be considered a crime and cost your time behind bars that just how does the regime justify it. that's correct thank you kevin actually what happens is that the government doesn't
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want the world to have. to know that there are there have been lots of witnesses on the killings which have happened by the police force in bahrain last year and all the atrocities which have happened in the people around about these doctors were only doing their jobs they all say that they need to treat anyone and they were treating these innocent people who are who are shot at by the police in the roundabout and they have been summoned put and the fear is torture actually the the b. i see our investigation team has recorded all these atrocities and all the tortures and it required that all these. charges be dropped because they have been initially charged by our military do you do you believe a military court and there are their colleagues aside from these twenty three another eighteen have been have been charged with heavier charges and we still have
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at least six doctors have been charged for for many years and they are they are still in the prison the situation is very much worsening in bahrain because the torture is still there the city's last line all the houses in a village have been attacked more than three hundred houses tagged twenty five young men have been summoned fierce fully the problem is that after one year of the international community's interference to insult but the the government doesn't want to use out it doesn't want to come to a dialogue even though the opposition as a member of parliament and also opposition we have we have said this is our hand we want. listed down by the government doesn't once all july we keep asking this question this is a story we've been covering a lot here on r.t.
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we keep asking this question why is the regime the government taking this stance why are they not prepared to move despite the criticism they continually getting the unfortunately the and the we have to blame some of the big countries who are giving green lies to this. dictatorship in bahrain that. they are doing ok the international community will stand still against it will not do anything just two months ago in geneva conference of human rights of united nations hundred seventy six inquiries were shot at the from from all the governments of the world. but unfortunately your king and you did not do anything in this regard the they did not share in putting pressure on these two main countries they can do a lot but they are not july alternately yes we've got thirty seconds your prognosis
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what you think is going to happen. unless there is a legitimate dialogue between the opposition and the government the situation will go very much worse and it would undermine all the interest of the of the of the world really. has to be done as soon as possible thank you former m.p. from bahrain's largest opposition party of five thanks for your thoughts. the age old war between the rich and the poor was at the open in brussels today where european leaders gather to hammer out a budget deal division's glaring there was so from disagreeing on whether to increase decrease or freeze the budget leaders are also threatening vetoes of what to cut or what to fund what is there a smith reports on the looming showdown. the scene was set for this battle over the budgets two years ago when angela merkel and nicolas sarkozy desperately needing
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british backing for a euro rescue fund promised stated cameron they would rein in brussels cash trough now it's payback time and the brussels mandarins who control the e.u. is one thousand billion euros budgets are about to feel the pinch years of deal making is supposed to yield a budget to twenty twenty covering infrastructure education research and development but after three years of economic turmoil in the e.u. and weakening political ties stark divisions are emerging david cameron is heading to brussels or more many are calling mission impossible he's under intense pressure at home to cut a new budget contributions and has threatened to veto anything beyond spending greens a promise that goes down well at home where popularity is at an all time low but
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his hands are tied by what's gone before tony blair as the new deals mean the u.k.'s contribution to brussels is likely to go up in real terms and its cash rebates will be reduced by two billion pounds a year unless cameron can get more budget cuts from brussels he may face more rebellion in his own party and germany's angela merkel desperate for a deal to sew focus can back to saving the euro with the brussels budget tension has opened and angry new divides on the one side northern european countries like the u.k. which are demanding huge cuts in spending to match this all sterile home that's making countries to the south and east who are dependent on cash from brussels very uneasy it suggests the to tear europe so long demonized and denied by jose manuel barroso as brussels p.r. is becoming a reality laura smith you can depend as part of financial services spokesman steve
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wolff doesn't believe real growth could come from brussels. this is a battle between the rich and the poor but actually it's the rich who are the brussels mandarins demanding more for themselves and more money for them to spend and it's the poor people of europe the fifty percent unemployed youth in spain those starving in greece the people rioting in france and portugal are the ones that are suffering for the greed of the brussels mandarin but what is changing is actually the people of europe are finally waking up that this is a huge battle between them and this political elites who are demanding more from them every single day whilst protecting their own interests we are not helping the public of greece and we're not helping the jobs being lost in the u.k. by defending a system that has palpably failed and will has no real way of actually achieving growth for the european continent in the future. midnight thirty moscow tired early friday morning things being.


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